Call for Letters of Inquiry for Large and Small Grants
Eligible Countries: The islands region of Papua New Guinea (PNG) and multi-country projects covering the islands region of PNG, Solomon Islands and/or Vanuatu
OPENING DATE: Large and small grants: 18 October 2016
CLOSING DATE: Large and small grants: 28 November 2016
Small grants: Download the CEPF East Melanesian Islands Small Grant LOI form in English
Once the LOI is completed, send an email to with the LOI attached, on or before the deadline of 28 November 2016.
Large grants: Download the LOI form from the CEPF website. Application guidelines can also be downloaded from this site. Once the LOI is completed, send an email to with the LOI attached, on or before the deadline of 28 November 2016.
Call for Letters of Inquiry
- English (PDF - 435 KB)
Ecosystem Profile Summary Brochure
Ecosystem Profile
- English (PDF - 3.9 MB)