Request for Proposals from Pre-Qualified Organizations Only
Regional Implementation Team

OPENING DATE: 16 December 2015
CLOSING DATE: 29 January 2016

On 11 November 2015, CEPF requested that organizations interested in serving as the Regional Implementation Team (RIT) for the Guinean Forests of West Africa Biodiversity Hotspot submit an expression of interest by 4 December 2015 in order to pre-qualify to submit a formal proposal per the request for proposals (RfP) attached here. Fifteen eligible organizations submitted an expression of interest by the closing date and are named in the RfP. Only those fifteen organizations are now invited to submit a formal proposal. Organizations not named in the RfP are free to join, as a subordinate partner, those pre-qualified organizations applying as a lead entity.

The organization selected to serve as the RIT, and any of its subordinate partners, will not be eligible to receive any other CEPF funding in the hotspot due to conflict of interest.

A conference call was held in both English and French on Monday 4 January 2016 at 09:00 am Eastern Standard Time, at which time CEPF representatives briefly described the expectations for the RIT and responded to participants’ questions. A written account of the questions and answers and a full audio recording of the call will be posted here by 12 January 2016.


Request for Proposals
- English (PDF - 274 KB)
- French​ (PDF - 303 KB)

Terms of Reference
- English (PDF - 214 KB)
- French​ (PDF - 221 KB)

Conference Call: 4 January 2016
- Video​ (MP4 - 57 MB) Left-click to play or right-click to download​
- Presentation​ (PDF - 1.6 MB)

Grantee Proposal Budget Template
- English​ (XLSX - 68 KB)

Questions and Answers

Q: Will the RIT be responsible for disbursing funds only and not be eligible to apply for using funds to implement conservation actions?
A: The RIT is responsible for disbursing funds by giving it to other civil society organizations and can not apply for any of these funds itself.

Q: We missed out on the announcement for Expression of Interest and do wish to know whether there is any window for late organizations wishing to express their interest.
A: At this stage, your organization can no longer apply as a lead organization for the Regional Implementation Team position. However, your organization can contact one of the pre-selected organizations (see list of pre-selected organizations in the Call for Proposals itself) to potentially build a partnership and submit a join proposal with that pre-selected organization as lead. Please note though that:
-          As a Regional Implementation Team (or a partner within the team), your organization will not be eligible to any other CEPF funds in the hotspot;
-          As a Regional Implementation Team (or a partner within the team), your organization cannot implement any field project with CEPF funds unless part of the Terms of Reference provided with the Call for Proposals. 
-          CEPF will launch its first Call for Projects in the hotspot around July 2016.