
Upward view of large palm tree.
Solomon Islands.
© Piotr Naskrecki

Call for Letters of Inquiry for Small and Large Grants

Eligible Countries: Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and the islands region of Papua New Guinea 
Opening Date: 30 August 2018
Closing Date: 7 October 2018 at 6:00 p.m. (Eastern Daylight Time in Washington, D.C.)

See East Melanesian Islands Biodiversity Hotspot map

How to Apply

Small and large grants have different application procedures, which are outlined in the call document below. 

It is critical that applicants review:

  • Call for Letters of Inquiry (PDF – 425 KB), particularly eligible investment priorities and sites, and proposal evaluation criteria to understand how your letter of inquiry will be assessed.
  • East Melanesia Islands Ecosystem Profile (PDF – 3.8 MB) particularly Chapter 12, “CEPF Investment Strategy and Programmatic Focus,” for detailed information on the types of activities to be funded under the investment priorities eligible in this call. 
  • Life Cycle of a Grant to obtain more information on CEPF’s grant management policies, including the grant agreement for large grants, orientation training, safeguard policies and monitoring tools.

For additional guidance, please review: