Grand Court Hotel
Nagoya - Japan
26 October 2010
10:30 a.m - 12:00 p.m JST

Provisional Agenda

1. Welcome and introductions
Doc. CEPF/DC18/1 (PDF - 49KB)

2. Adoption of agenda
Doc. CEPF/DC18/2 (Rev) (PDF - 179KB)

3. Adoption of minutes of the Seventeenth Meeting of the Donor Council
Doc. CEPF/DC18/3 (PDF - 120KB)

4. Report from the Executive Director*
Doc. CEPF/DC18/4 (PDF - 80 KB)

5. Revision of Terms of Reference and Selection Process of Regional Implementation Teams
Doc. CEPF/DC18/5 (PDF - 117KB)

6. Discussion and revision of CEPF's Fundraising Strategy
Doc. CEPF/DC16/7 (PDF - 78KB)

Other Business

* For information only. It includes the follow up to decisions taken at the Seventeenth Meeting of CEPF Donor Council.