Home > Grants > Grantee Projects > Avoid Extinction of Brazilian Merganser within the Veadeiros Pouso Alto Kalunga Corridor, Brazil
Dark river surrounded by green and brown hills.
Tocantizinho River.
© Ruy Alcides
Avoid Extinction of Brazilian Merganser within the Veadeiros Pouso Alto Kalunga Corridor, Brazil
Grantee Name: 
Instituto Amada Terra de Inclusão Social
Project Overview Overview
CEPF Strategic Direction Strategy

Implement actions of research and monitoring, public awareness, dissemination and training, per the National Action Plan (NAP) for the conservation of the Brazilian Merganser in the Veadeiros- Pouso Alto-Kalungas Corridor, Brazil.

Strategic Direction: 4 Support the protection of threatened species in the hotspot