Home > Grants > Grantee Projects > Integrating Environmental Best Practices into Mining Operations in the Madidi - Pilon Lajas – Cotapata Conservation Corridor of Bolivia
Woman with orange helmet and vest holding up informational pamplet
Miner in Bolivia holding up informational pamphlet.
© Omar Torrico-WCS
Integrating Environmental Best Practices into Mining Operations in the Madidi - Pilon Lajas – Cotapata Conservation Corridor of Bolivia
Grantee Name: 
Wildlife Conservation Society
Project Overview Overview
CEPF Strategic Direction Strategy

Improve the environmental and social sustainability of legal gold mining in the protected areas of Madidi, Apolobamba, Cotapata y Pilón Lajas through support for three pilot projects demonstrating environmental best practices, capacity building of miners and park service personnel, promotion of green gold certification, and public policy support for environmental and social responsible mining.

Strategic Direction: 3 Promote local stakeholder engagement and the integration of social and environmental safeguards into infrastructure, mining and agriculture projects to mitigate potential threats to the KBAs in the seven priority corrido