Home > Grants > Grantee Projects > Promoting the Recognition of the Eastern Afromontane Key Biodiversity Areas and Corridors to an International Audience of Ecologists and Climate Change Scientists
High-up view of tea plantation with forest in background.
Mountains, forests, and tea at Gishwati Key Biodiversity Area, Rwanda.
Promoting the Recognition of the Eastern Afromontane Key Biodiversity Areas and Corridors to an International Audience of Ecologists and Climate Change Scientists
Grantee Name: 
Ian Gordon
Project Overview Overview
CEPF Strategic Direction Strategy

Mainstream biodiversity conservation into national development policies and plans by promoting the recognition of Eastern Afromontane key biodiversity areas (KBAs) within the global scientific community at the 2013 London International Association for Ecology (INTECOL) Conference, specifically during the symposium dedicated to climate change and African mountain ecosystems: Modeling ecological change at different scales. The presenter is also the main author and compiler of the CEPF Eastern Afromontane Hotspot ecosystem profile.

Strategic Direction: 1 Mainstream biodiversity into wider development policies, plans and projects to deliver the co-benefits of biodiversity conservation, improved local livelihoods and economic development in priority corridors.