Home > Grants > Grantee Projects > Securing Local Participation in Conservation of River Turtles in Myanmar
Man standing in front of beach with area fenced off.
A protected nesting beach for the Burmese roofed turtle.
© Conservation International/photo by Jack Tordoff
Securing Local Participation in Conservation of River Turtles in Myanmar
Grantee Name: 
Turtle Survival Alliance
Project Overview Overview
CEPF Strategic Direction Strategy

Build a cadre of community volunteers to conserve turtles along the Chindwin River. Increase populations of turtles in the river through nest protection, head-starting, reduction in fisheries by-catch, and protection of critical habitats. Support riverside communities to establish Fish Conservation Zones that will protect critical nesting and foraging habitat of turtles while at the same time enhancing fisheries resources available.

Strategic Direction: 4 Empower local communities to engage in conservation and management of priority key biodiversity areas