Home > Grants > Grantee Projects > Securing Safe Environment for Critically Endangered Vulture Species by Declaring and Ensuring Diclofenac Free Zones in Central and Western Low Lands of Nepal
Securing Safe Environment for Critically Endangered Vulture Species by Declaring and Ensuring Diclofenac Free Zones in Central and Western Low Lands of Nepal
Grantee Name: 
Bird Conservation Nepal
Project Overview Overview
CEPF Strategic Direction Strategy

Secure safe environment for Critically Endangered vulture species in the Terai Arc Landscape of Nepal through sensitization of stakeholders, developing appropriate policy and regulation, and declaration of diclofenac free zones. The project will also build the capacity of stakeholders in monitoring and management of vultures and their habitats for long-term conservation.

Strategic Direction: 3 Leverage partnerships among donor agencies, civil society, and government institutions to achieve priority biodiversity conservation outcomes over the long term