Home > Grants > Grantee Projects > Strengthen Co-Management Measures at Nam Xuan Lac SHCA and Establish Forest Benefit-Sharing in its Ban Thi Extension
Man looking at poster on outside wall.
Member of village co-management commitee reading Francois langur poster.
© Uong Sy Hung (PRCF)
Strengthen Co-Management Measures at Nam Xuan Lac SHCA and Establish Forest Benefit-Sharing in its Ban Thi Extension
Grantee Name: 
People Resources and Conservation Foundation
Project Overview Overview
CEPF Strategic Direction Strategy

Support biodiversity conservation and sustainable livelihoods for local communities in and around Nam Xuan Lac Species and Habitat Conservation Area (XLCA), Bac Kan Province, Vietnam, by strengthening participation of local communities on the XLCA Management Board, establishing a multiple-use zone allowing sustainable harvesting of non-timber forest products, and facilitating access to payment for environmental services (PFES) funds.

Strategic Direction: 4 Empower local communities to engage in conservation and management of priority key biodiversity areas