Home > Grants > Grantee Projects > Strengthening of community-based and led François’ Langur species and habitat conservation initiatives in northern Vietnam
Water in foreground, karst wall and then mountains in background.
Sinh Long, north of Gam Valley, home to several Francois Langur groups.
© Fernando Potess (PRCF)
Strengthening of community-based and led François’ Langur species and habitat conservation initiatives in northern Vietnam
Grantee Name: 
People Resources and Conservation Foundation
Project Overview Overview
CEPF Strategic Direction Strategy

Support the establishment of a community-based conservation area in a karst landscape that holds a core population of Francois' langur (Trachypithecus francoisi) in northern Vietnam. Promote recognition by the provincial authorities of local people's management rights with regard to populations and habitats of threatened species. Identify sources of corporate funding and pro bono technical support for the community-managed conservation initiative. Document lessons learned from the pilot and use them to inform the development of policy on community-managed protected areas.

Strategic Direction: 4 Empower local communities to engage in conservation and management of priority key biodiversity areas