Home > Grants > Grantee Projects > Support Civil Society in Attending "Mediterranean Plant Conservation Week"
Six men and women standing in front of room.
CEPF grantees working on plant conservation after their presentation at the Med Plant Week in Malta, November 2018.
© Conservation International/photo by Pierre Carret
Support Civil Society in Attending "Mediterranean Plant Conservation Week"
Grantee Name: 
International Union for Conservation of Nature - Center for Mediterranean Cooperation
Project Overview Overview
CEPF Strategic Direction Strategy

Enabling CEPF grantees from around the region to attend the second Mediterranean Plant Conservation Week, in order to widen the network and liaise with other plant specialists, gain knowledge on approaches and techniques, present their plant projects and seek future collaborations with organizations working on similar themes and species.

Strategic Direction: 4 Strengthen the engagement of civil society to support the conservation of plants that are critically endangered or have highly restricted ranges