Home > Grants > Grantee Projects > Sustainable Management of Ngali Nut Trees and Threatened Flying Foxes in the Solomon Islands
Sustainable Management of Ngali Nut Trees and Threatened Flying Foxes in the Solomon Islands
Grantee Name: 
University of Queensland
Project Overview Overview
CEPF Strategic Direction Strategy

Make information on the local and global cultural significance of threatened monkey-faced bat species available to customary landowners and government agencies to inform conservation of priority Key Biodiversity Areas in the Solomon Islands and Bougainville Island, Papua New Guinea. Support customary landowners to establish regimes for the managed harvest of Makira flying fox (Pteropus cognatus) and ngali nuts consistent with the long-term persistence of these species.

Strategic Direction: 1 Empower local communities to protect and manage globally significant biodiversity at priority Key Biodiversity Areas under-served by current conservation efforts