Information about the Mesoamerica Biodiversity Hotspot was developed using the Southern Mesoamerica ecosystem profile (PDF - 747 KB)—also available in Spanish (PDF - 753 KB)— and the Northern Mesoamerica ecosystem profile (PDF - 1 MB)—also available in Spanish (PDF - 1 MB) as well as the book Hotspots Revisited, which cites:

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Heselhaus, R. 1992. Poison-arrow Frogs: Their Natural History and Care in Captivity. Sanibel Island, Florida: Ralph Curtis Books.

Heselhaus, R. & Schmidt, M. 1994. Harlequin Frogs: A Complete Guide. Neptune, New Jersey: T.F.H. Publications.

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Holdridge, L.R. 1967. Life Zone Ecology. San José, Costa Rica: Tropical Science Center.

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Holdridge, L. R.1972. Ecological differences between the tropical and subtropical regions. Sobretiro de las Memorias de Symposia del I Congreso Latinoamericano y Mexicano de Botánica. Mexico, D.F.

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Mittermeier, R. A. 1979. It might just be...the best little zoo in Latin America. Animal Kingdom 82 (1): 15-21.

Mittermeier, R.A. & Mittermeier, C.G. 1992. La importancia de la diversidad biológica en México. In J. Sarukhán & R. Dirzo. (Eds.), Mexico confronts the Challenges of Biodiversity. México: Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad.

Mittermeier, C.G., Mittermeier, R.A., Nations, J., Robles, A., Carvajal, M.A. & Robles Gil, P. 1998. Mexico. In .R. A. Mittermeier, P. Robles Gil & C.G. Mittermeier. (Eds.), Megadiversity: Earth’s Biologically Wealthiest Nations. pp. 141-177. Monterrey, Mexico: CEMEX.

Rzedowski, J. 1978 Vegetación de México. Primera edición. México: Editorial Limusa.

Rzedowski, J. 1986. Vegetación de México. Tercera edición. México: Editorial Limusa.

Toledo, V. M., Rzedowski, J., Villa-Lobos, J., Gómez, L.D., Godoy, J.C. & O. Herrera-Macbryde. 1997. Regional overview: Middle America. In S. D. Davis, V. H. Heywood, O. Herrera-Macbryde, J. Villa-Lobos & A. C. Hamilton. (Eds.), Centres of Plant Diversity: A Guide and Strategy for their Conservation. Vol. 3. The Americas. pp. 97-124 Oxford, U.K.: World Wide Fund for Nature and IUCN-The World Conservation Union.

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UNESCO 1981. Vegetation map of South America. Natural Resources Research Publication 17.

World Bank, GEF. 1998. Project Appraisal Document on a Proposed Grant from the GEF Trust Fund to Panama for a Panama Atlantic Mesoamerican Biological Corridor Project, April 29, 1998. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.

Wildlife Preservation Trust International. 1992. Special issue: The new Belize zoo. On the Edge 46:1-12.

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