Home > Grants > Grantee Projects > Preparation of a Management Plan for the Planada Nature Reserve in the Pialapi Pueblo Indigenous Reserve, Colombia
Preparation of a Management Plan for the Planada Nature Reserve in the Pialapi Pueblo Indigenous Reserve, Colombia
Grantee Name: 
Resguardo Pialapí Pueblo Viejo
Project Overview Overview
CEPF Strategic Direction Strategy

Prepare a management plan for the La Planada Nature Reserve and its environs in the Pialapi Pueblo Viejo Ethnic Territory of southwest Colombia in concordance with the Awa People's cosmovision, strengthen administrative structures and capacities of Awa Indigenous Reserve managers, build sustainable financing mechanisms, and prepare conservation action plans for five globally endangered species.

Strategic Direction: 1 Improve protection and management of 36 priority KBAs to create and maintain local support for conservation and to mitigate key threats.