
Sunset over ocean, a few boats and island with mountain in distance.
Sunset in Vanuatu.
© O. Langrand

Information about the East Melanesian Islands Biodiversity Hotspot was developed using the ecosystem profile (PDF - 3.9 MB) and the book Hotspots Revisited, which cites:

Allison, A. 2001. The herpetofauna of southern New Ireland. In B.M. Beehler & L.E. Alonso. (Eds.), Southern New Ireland, Papua New Guinea: A Biodiversity Assessment, RAP Bulletin of Biological Assessment 21. pp. 50-60. Washington, DC:Conservation International.

Bayliss-Smith, T., Hviding, E & Whitmore, T. 2003. Rainforest composition and histories of human disturbance in Solomon Islands. Ambio 32: 346-352.

Bowen-Jones, E., Abrutat, D., Markham, B & Bowe, S. 1997. Flying foxes on Choiseul (Solomon Islands): The need for conservation action. Oryx 31:209-217.

D’Abrera, B. 1990. Butterflies of the Australian Region. Melbourne: Hill House.

Flannery, T.F. 1995. Mammals of the South-West Pacific and Moluccan Islands. Chatswood, Australia: Reed and Australian Museum.

Foster, R.B. 2001. The Forest Vegetation of Southern New Ireland. In Beehler, B.M. & L.E. Alonso. (Eds.), Southern New Ireland, Papua New Guinea: A Biodiversity Assessment, RAP Bulletin of Biological Assessment 21. pp. 25-31. Washington, DC.: Conservation International.

Hansen, M.C., DeFries, R.S., Townshend, J.R.G., Carroll, M., Dimiceli, C., & Sohlberg, R.A.. 2003. Global Percent Tree Cover at a Spatial Resolution of 500 Meters: First Results of the MODIS Vegetation Continuous Fields Algorithm.

Honza, E., Davies, H.L. Keene, J.B., & Tiffin, D.L. 1987. Plate boundaries and evolution of the Solomon Sea Region. Geo-Marine Letters 7:161-168.

Johns, R.E. 1993. Biodiversity and conservation of the native flora of Papua New Guinea. In B. Beehler. (Ed.), A Biodiversity Analysis for Papua New Guinea. Conervation Needs Assessment, Vol. 2. pp. 15-76. Washington, DC.: Biodiversity Support Program.

Mayr, E. & Diamond, J.M. 2001. The Birds of Northern Melanesia. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.

McCoy, M. 1980. Reptiles of the Solomon Islands: Wau Ecology Institute Handbook No. 7. Wau, Papua New Guinea.

Miller, S.E. 1996. Biogeography of Pacific insects and other terrestrial invertebrates: A status report. In A. Keast, & S.E. Miller. (Eds.), The Origin and Evolution of Pacific Island Biotas, New Guinea to Eastern Polynesia: Patterns and Processes. pp. 463-475. Amsterdam: SPB Academic Publishing.

Mueller-Dombois, D. & Fosberg, F.R. 1998. Vegetation of the Tropical Pacific Islands. New York: Springer-Verlag.

Read, T. 2002. Navigating a New Course: Stories in Community-based Conservation in the Pacific Islands. New York: United Nations Development Program.

van Steenis, C.G. 1950. The delimitation of Malesia and its main plant geographical divisions. Flora Malesiana Series 1:70-75.

Takhtajan, A. 1986. Floristic Regions of the World. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Thistlethwait, R. & Votaw, G. 1992. Environment and Development: A Pacific Island Perspective. Apia: Asian Development Bank, Manila and South Pacific Regional Environment Programme.

UNDP. 1999. Pacific Human Development Report 1999: Creating opportunities. Suva: UNDP.

Whitmore, T.C. 1975. Tropical Rain Forests of the Far East. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Wikramanayake, E.D., Dinerstein, E., Loucks, C., Olson, D., Morrison, J., Lamoreux, J., McKnight, M., & Hedao, P. (Eds.). 2002. Terrestrial Ecoregions of the Indo-Pacific: A Conservation Assessment. Washington, D.C.: Island Press.