
Close-up of blue-and-white bird sitting on bright-green tree.
Madagascar blue vanga (Cyanolanius madagascarinus). © O. Langrand
© O. Langrand

Information about the Madagascar and Indian Ocean Islands Biodiversity Hotspot was developed using the ecosystem profile (PDF - 7.1 MB), also available in French (PDF - 7.5 MB), and the book Hotspots Revisited, which cites:

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Eger, J.L. & Mitchell, L. 2003. Chiroptera, bats. In S.M. Goodman & J.P. Benstead. (Eds.), The Natural History of Madagascar. pp. 1287-1298.Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

Elouard, J.M. & Gibon F.M. 2003. Ecology of Aquatic Invertebrates. In S.M. Goodman & J.P. Benstead. (Eds.), The Natural History of Madagascar. p. 511. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

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Gautier, L., & Goodman, S.M. 2003. Introduction to the Flora of Madagascar. In S.M. Goodman & J.P. Benstead. (Eds.), The Natural History of Madagascar. p. 229. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

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Hawkins, A.F.A., & Goodman, S.M. 2003. Introduction to the birds. In S.M. Goodman & J.P. Benstead. (Eds.), The Natural History of Madagascar. p. 1019. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. p.1019

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